The Management Sherpa

Creativity: Thinking Outside of the Box [New]

Creativity: Thinking Outside of the Box [New]

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About this Course

The course Creativity: Thinking Outside the Box will provide you with informative tools and practical strategies that will help shape a creative workplace. Creativity plays a big role in building a positive work environment, one in which employees will feel confident in expressing their ideas. Be mindful that there is creativity in all of us. When this creativity emerges, powerful opportunities and advancements will happen.

Course Outline

Module One: Getting Started

  • Housekeeping Items
  • The Parking Lot
  • Workshop Objectives
  • Pre-Assignment
  • Action Plans and Evaluation Forms
  • Action Plan Form
  • Evaluation Form

Module Two: Breaking Down Creativity

  • Defining Creativity
  • Thinking Outside the Box
  • The Value of Creativity
  • Components of Creativity
  • Characteristics of the Creative Individual
  • Practical Illustration
  • Module Two: Review Questions

Module Three: Creating Business Success

  • Growth Through Creativity
  • Staff Morale
  • Engagement and Productivity
  • Competition
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Practical Illustration
  • Module Three: Review Questions

Module Four: The Creative Process

  • Preparation
  • Incubation
  • Illumination
  • Evaluation
  • Verification
  • Practical Illustration
  • Module Four: Review Questions

Module Five: Creativity vs. Innovation

  • Connecting the Two
  • The Innovative Leader
  • Innovative Projects
  • Experimentation
  • The Creativity Gap
  • Practical Illustration
  • Module Five: Review Questions

Module Six: Fostering a Creative Workplace

  • Diversity
  • Effective Feedback
  • Choosing Flexibility
  • The Power of Positivity
  • Creativity and Collaboration
  • Practical Illustration
  • Module Six: Review Questions

Module Seven: Brainstorming

  • Connecting Creativity and Brainstorming
  • Successful Brainstorming
  • Visualize Your Goals
  • Stay Organized
  • Break It Up
  • Practical Illustration
  • Module Seven: Review Questions

Module Eight: The Creative Team

  • Identifying Opportunities
  • Show Respect
  • Finding Creative Spaces
  • Listening
  • Goals and Values
  • Practical Illustration
  • Module Eight: Review Questions

Module Nine: Creativity Myths

  • Inherited Trait
  • Creativity is for Artists
  • The Solo Creator
  • Breakthrough Moment
  • Financial Incentives
  • Practical Illustration
  • Module Nine: Review Questions

Module Ten: Recognizing Obstacles

  • Afraid to Fail
  • Distractions
  • Stressors
  • Lack of Sleep
  • Time
  • Practical Illustration
  • Module Ten: Review Questions

Module Eleven: Finding Your Creative Mind

  • Identifying Your Strengths
  • Building Confidence With Creativity
  • Risk-Taking
  • Motivation
  • Be Mindful
  • Practical Illustration
  • Module Eleven: Review Questions

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Review of Parking Lot
  • Lessons Learned
  • Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations